This competition is being launched to support the work of composers of music for the pipe organ. Luna Nova Music in conjunction with its Belvedere Chamber Music Festival held each year at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Memphis, TN has sponsored an international competition for young classical composers since 2007. (Further information about this contest is available at HERE.) This new organ contest is designed to encourage composition in an area that does not receive as much attention as is given to competitions for piano and various orchestral instruments.
The contest welcomes participation by composers at the beginning of their careers as well as others with longer experience in the field. All entrants are asked to provide information about their academic and professional background in music on the online entry form.
Grace-St. Luke's has two organs - one in the chancel (Schantz, 2000, Opus 2175, 3 manuals, 45 stops, 58 ranks, specifications and an antiphonal one in the balcony (Nichols & Simpson, 2017, 2 manuals, 11 stops, 13 ranks, specifications.
1. Fill out the online entry form at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PKRLNTR
2. The score must be electronically generated. Hand written scores are not eligible. Entries should be three to five minutes in length.
3. Entries should be written for solo pipe organ. Electronic elements cannot be included.
4. After completing the entry form entrants are required to submit one .pdf and one .mp3 of the entry work. The .mp3 can be computer generated or be of a live performance. The files should be sent by email to lunanovamusic@gmail.com.
Online SurveyMonkey Entry Form: April 15, 2025, 11:00 p.m. CST
Score .pdf and .mp3 emailed to lunanovamusic@gmail.com: April 15, 2025 at 11:00 p.m. CST
The winning composition will be announced on www.lunanova.org by May 15, 2025.